Drawn on Strathmore paper with Graphite pencils.
Khobe 19 Oct 2017
To use other mediums only if your heart tells you to. Actually, the medium, the subject or the size are all secondary and a pretext to follow your bliss. But what comes first as all great masters taught is your technique. A great technique gives an artist the freedom of expressing his or her art to it's fullest potential, specially true in realism, this is where I see you have a great potential, to not say exceptional.
Nate77 20 Oct 2017
Thankyou, much apprieciated, i use pencil so much because it is the most comfortable medium for me.
Khobe 18 Oct 2017
You definitively have mastered the canine subject brilliantly and your refined style is admirable but do you wish to push these bounderies further? I'm sure you can by intelligently challenging yourself... one step at a time without abandoning your present remarkable accomplishments.
Nate77 18 Oct 2017
Thankyou for your comment :) Did you mean pushing my bounderies further as in working in other media?
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