More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
Little Shop of Horrors
at this moment of a most banal evening, this idea began to be turned in my head, so I will present, for once, a trick that I will never have presented this one day, a musical comedy, yes , you had read well, in short, as you read in the title, here is the little shop of the horrors, as I say, it is a musical comedy that knows how to inspire an old comic horror film of the Sixties, and the story speaks of the young Seymour who must manage a carnivorous plant that calls her Audrey II, and to manage this plant that speaks not of god, it must nourish it, blood and human flesh, I disregard not, I am in this and I still have 1 / 2h of film, the VF is not terrible, and since it is a musical comedy, I make the effort of looking at it, for a reason: Audrey II this fucking plant is huge (in the sense of the term), I see or the movie is coming, it's just a good big reference of old movies of monsters of the 50s and 60s, because it was an era where it had a hell of that kind of movie there, and this is a great tribute, especially with this super plant sing in larger calms who want fresh flesh & it is ridiculously awesome for a parody, just to see the design of this monster, I adore it, it is too funny, in short, as you saw, I put the original modeling that served me to make my drawing, Darkin II, and Darkin II, yes, as much go in the reference, with me who asks me: "wtf, what is this brothel ???" and I would like to put it in black, but since I have detailed the drawing, I preferred to stay with the pencil "ordinary", to see better the difference, and that it is faster to publish, because yes, it's always good to go back to old methods, on this people, I hope this drawing will have you more, and as I usually tell you, spend a good day or evening or that you are, AV59 ^^