More artworks made by viktorhorvath



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-10-04


The words are from a Hungarian song: "Ákos- Altató" (andante version)


  • chat-mot 7 Oct 2014

    your gallery is impressive, this is a really great and string style you have. carry on the amazing work!

  • EnigmaOfRiddles 4 Oct 2014

    The warm colours over the neutrals is very eye-catching, like it makes you feel some warmth. I particularly enjoy the style it is created in and the various areas of hatching lines. To me, this piece portrays a creator or someone who keeps eyes on the world from above ((My interpretation of the eye in the body of the bird, being sewn up to be hidden)). I do not know Hungarian or the song, but this beautiful piece is phenomenal and interesting.

  • EleanorRigby 4 Oct 2014


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