More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
Houston, i am back ! : special 3 ans
People, here is the best thing which I was able to make during my hobby of the drawing, because here is a tribute in the best assembly(editing) photo / drawing which I was able to make, " Houston, Here Darkin ", This "photo-manipulation" was an old assembly(editing) which dates 02/12/15, it had to be a satire of the phenomenon of selfies, because I am told the time(period): " the best thing which we were not able to make, it was go to the space, look for all the new technologies grace(favor) the Station(Resort) ISS and the NASA and other special agencies and the military organization of everything the countries of the world, all this, to arrive in mobile phone to photograph it ourself, and share to people who have one nothing to make of their life, to part to make selfies and liké for nothing. " And still, it is just that I am said at that time, because there, I have to change, and does me totally of whom can cross(spend) in the social Media, in spite of certain natural or human Disaster who can again have around the world, and it is very normal, otherwise, it is that have you a monster without heart for step thought sometimes of people, Finally in brief, it is just that, mess(brothel), it makes now 3 years, that I continuous to share my drawings on the Internet, 3 years of several pages to draw again and again to arrive at a result(profit) of continuous evolution, 3 years of caricatures bad - damned which one will believe that it is the modern art, and still, I have little "to evolve" since the time, the proof in image, but whore, even today, I shall have not believed to get to this point, because for a long time, I knew not that I wanted to make of my life, I knew even not what set as direction(management), but there, I know what set, and still continue of draw no stop, with quite my feelings and be even more frank and direct than never, even if in the past I had made that, Needs a lot to reflect and to take a lot of responsibility to know draw and publish a drawing, even if I had many criticisms(critics), me continuous whom I makes, and I hope for it, even for a very long time, I thank in certain people for having supported me even today, and your good or bad remarks, and also, thanks to person who still comes in my group of drawing from free of expression on Facebook, even that, I shall have not believed without people, THANK YOU EVERYTHING BLANCHES, WITHOUT YOU, I WOULD BE NOTHING, WITHOUT YOU, AV59 and DARKIN SHALL NEVER HAVE TO EXIST. And on these words, me you will tell all, to Have a nice day either an evening or whether you are, AV59, thank you ^^
Khobe 23 Sep 2017
Le dessin linéaire n'est que proportions et rapports de proportions, donc il faut prendre les justes mesures à partir de la surface entière dès le début. D'abord les grandes dimensions pour aller vers les moyennes , ensuite les petites sans se préoccuper des détails que l'on garde pour la fin seulement. Ceci n'est pas romantique mais très efficace. Dans la section Tutorials j'ai posté deux textes avec illustrations pour ceux que ça intéresse, en anglais naturellememt. Pratiquer est bien, pratiquer correctement est de loin meilleur. Bonne chance!
MKIII & AV59 23 Sep 2017
je n'ai rien compris de ce commentaire, mais merci quand même de me souhaité bonne chance ^^
Anonymous 23 Sep 2017
En effet, ça fessait longtemps!
MKIII & AV59 23 Sep 2017
tien, vous petes qui pour bien parler français dans un site en anglais, sinon Thank you of the comment ^^
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