
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-09-21


Today, we still send of the heavy, but to the sense or the logic does not exist anymore, or 2+2 made 5, or beauty is uglier than the ugliness, today, I go you speak about a director that I have never seen these movies, but that he is famous for about good movie and the series Twin Peaks, But it is rather known to be very experimental, or the nonsense for him, in the sense, and this intro is rather long I find, I present you: David Lynch, and mess, even if I never have these movies and even if I saw some extract at random on the Internet, not of god, this guy is crazy, especially his first movie: EraserHead, coach this movie, I understood nothing, but out of pity that it was disturb, what was mess, a horror movie, Fantasy, and once again, I understood nothing, but I shall have not believed to say that one day, but it goes give me nightmares not credible, anyway, let us cross in drawing, which is according to me, not terrible, later it is not easy to redo the poster of the movie, has cause of this white spot, as a result, I have still made for my sauce, and the result looks good me, to see even great, but I have impression to have made anything in mode survival to return him better, you find that it has no sense, even for me, moreover, I have draw "monsters" around him that am it call back in the movie, As a result, WTF? : I have impression of credit note to draw as a schizophrenic, and the worst, it is that the movie represents for me, later it is more party "carried" that I better made according to me, with young touches Darkin, but I am not disappointed to have to represent that this movie is according to me, a movie disturbs, and still, I know very well that it again has to have more worse than this movie there, but it remains still fascistic, but disturb all the same, on it people, to Have a nice day either an evening or that you are, AV59 ^^


  • Anonymous 21 Sep 2017

    wow there is definitely an interesting atmosphere here!

    MKIII & AV59 21 Sep 2017

    ohh, thank you, it touches me a lot ^^

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