More artworks made by Klapumpkin


Mother Sea

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-10-04


Blue symbolises a lot of things; for me, it most represents the sea. The sea is always blue and mysterious, often calm and serene as the color blue. Seas can vary from brutal to motionless like how the color blue can vary in intensity. Moreover, the sea can also be called "the blues": this shows how representative the sea can be. That is why I drew a woman as the sea. If you look closer, you can see starfishes (or stars if it is hahah), fishes and even ships; her hair is the sea where everything thrive and live. Blue represents her, slightly melancholy but always calm. Those feeling are what Blue also gives. Often blue can be cold and depressed (and it's a cold color too!)...You can see from her expression but what she feels. And why is she sad? I'll blame that on pollution. Blood is leaking from her mouth and chest... But her blood is not red. It is the oil that is inside her, the oil from ships that pollute the sea. We are indeed ruining our sea and our "blue" might be tainted with darkness (yeahh) and murkiness. To preserve that, we have to converse our seas.


  • EleanorRigby 4 Oct 2014

    The idea is unique and interesting. I live by the sea and often get lost while gazing at it through the window. This is beautiful. 5/5 :)

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