More artworks made by Armorwing

Rhinoceros Iguana Form (To Belong Contest Entry)
There's this little series on YouTube that I really like called "To Belong". It takes place in this fantasy world where every human has their own unique animal form. We follow three orphans looking to find their place in the world. Along their travels, they run into a wealthy lord claiming he needs to get back to his home. He agrees to pay them as his escorts and the adventure begins. The series is made through editing animated movies, but the creator has launched a Kickstarter to turn the series into a fully animated one. I thought the idea and the art looked promising, so I decided to support it. One of the other ways I'm supporting this is by participating in the contests. This latest one revolves around drawing your animal form if you lived in this world. I chose the Rhinoceros Iguana. My character (name coming later) lives on a farm with her mother and brother. Her father is a soldier, away in another country. She wears one of his rings around her wrist, waiting for him to come home safe. In the meantime, she works the farm and sells their products with what's left of her family. She uses her other form to dig up certain plants and even climb trees to shake loose the fruit and roots. Their property sits on the edge of a dense forest, meaning they're prone to wild animal invasions. To protect herself, my character ties a leather chord around her tail that's studded with sharpened nails. Being neither that fast or strong, it adds a little extra punch to her tail swings. Watch the Series:… Visit the Site:… Support the Kickstarter:…
Anonymous 23 Aug 2017
NICE.......... :----)
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