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Takeshi Terauchi
Takeshi Terauchi, if this name tells you anything, it is normal, because it is little known in France, in spite of whom there already made of concert around the world, but this guy is Japanese which makes of the Instrumental Rock mixes his(her,its) inspirations of the Rock Surfing American and traditional music of its country, And whore, I fall always of the bottom there since I have to listen to this type(chap), here is a rather different guitarist of whom I already have to listen to, the sound of the guitar is brilliant, the mixture traditional and electric give a good nice atmosphere, and which is it's a pity, it is that I know about it no more about this Japanese, Then, it is not the first time when I already have to listen to Japanese musics or foreigner, most were the musics experimental or traditional, but it is always have a good laugh to see this mixture traditional and electric that we Japanese, it impress me always, finally, this country is always brilliant for me, Finally, I have nothing more to you statements, to part, that I you give the link of the album which I have would listen to the first time when I am to fall on Takeshi Terauchi. With this, to Have a nice day either an evening or whether you are, AV59 ^^
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