More artworks made by WoodyWelch



Type: painting Uploaded: 2017-06-29


Actress Jayne Mansfield in acrylics on stretched canvas...this was a $3500.00 commission so I took my time with it. WHEW!


  • dnprostudio 3 Mar 2020

    great work for the painting

  • trevorp 1 Jul 2017

    Lovely work / great colour usage :-)

    WoodyWelch 2 Jul 2017

    Thank seemed to be the way to go for the background all things's such a feminine color back in the fifties... :D

  • pencil recreations 30 Jun 2017

    Aahh!!!! Jane what lovely eyes you have and that smile ....Color perfect Woody and the figure...WOW!!!! $3 grand plus you say!!! ..sorry not to mention her figure ..I am again impressed with your ability and professionalism you certainly add to the site wonderfully Woody...With figures like this you certainly are in a higher class of art ...

    WoodyWelch 1 Jul 2017

    THANKS!!!! The client loves it and that made the struggle all worthwhile.

  • Anonymous 29 Jun 2017

    Great work!

    WoodyWelch 29 Jun 2017

    THANK YOU!!!

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