More artworks made by Armorwing

The Raksura: Flower the Head Mentor
I've finally moved into my new place and gotten my Internet working again. Let's get to the new art! Flower is the leader of the mentor class of Indigo Cloud. Her great skill in augury as well as her experience made her more than qualified for the role. Aside from leading auguries concerning the court, her other duties tend to be smaller by comparison, such as garden tending and the occasional healing. Flower is an Arbora, meaning she's one of the wingless members of the Raksura. Arbora tend to be thicker in build with less frills on their head. Flower's scales are white due to her age. The older Raksura are, the less pigment they have. Flower was one of the first to more readily welcome Moon into the court. She's more patient and understanding than most, to the point of being good at deescalating situations. Though she has an important role in the court, she tends to feel like her views aren't taken as seriously as they should be (this is resolved a little more as the court's troubles are mostly resolved).
Anonymous 18 Jun 2017
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