More artworks made by WoodyWelch



Type: painting Uploaded: 2017-06-17


Pastel pencils, acrylics, and a digital blur tool to smooth out the rough edges


  • pencil recreations 22 Aug 2017

    If this is the effect then it's time I changed to chocolate sure has not given the same effect ..certainly a different type of hot spa or tub.. and I just love the ingredients you use ...and no marshmallows.....but the optical effects you create ,Woody are just so good..

    WoodyWelch 22 Aug 2017

    LOL...Thanks very much!!!

  • Carbon2Tree 4 Jul 2017

    Wonderful concept, very fun. The harsh glow on top of the head makes it feel odd. If you soften that some (or darken it some) I think it will look better while still defining the edge of her hair. The marsh mellows/ foamy top may seem more natural if she is a little farther into the mug (so that the white fluff doesn't feel forced up to her). Overall I like the look and concept. I'm only being nit picky because this piece looks so good already. :)

    WoodyWelch 4 Jul 2017

    I WELCOME NIT PICKING!!!....LOLOLOL I always tend to be overly demonstrative when doing a lot of these things. :)

  • Anonymous 17 Jun 2017

    Interesting piece! And nice shading x3.

    WoodyWelch 17 Jun 2017

    Thanks!!! LOL :)

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