More artworks made by didier1961



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2017-06-05




  • Mythology1 7 Jun 2017

    Looks a tad like Vincent Price.

    didier1961 7 Jun 2017

    ok....thank's anyway.......... :---)

  • pencil recreations 7 Jun 2017

    your magic in the style you are gifted with continues......Do you sell much art ? because to me you have a hint of professionalism....

    didier1961 7 Jun 2017

    thank you soo mutch......... i don't think that people will buy my work....but thank's anyway.......... :---)

  • Khobe 23 Jun 2017

    Tu as un sens de la déformation qui accentue de manière juste certains traits particuliers vraiment appropriés. Ton talent est aussi particulier que tes portraits. Je ne me suis jamais essayé dans le genre.

    didier1961 23 Jun 2017

    merci Khobe...........:---)

  • Anonymous 5 Jun 2017

    I like the grayscale coloring !

    didier1961 5 Jun 2017

    thank you............ ;---)

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