More artworks made by MKIII & AV59

Evil Dead
The movie to be looked for its black humor and the horror which hold for a long time, especially 2 and 3 which turns in the black and comic humour a lot, and which I like in this movie, it is Sam Rémi who had made in the shooting of its movie, a kind of field of holidays for the guys which spanked effect special, because any world was kind to break to laugh in the shooting, and that it is to respect Sam, Good day or an evening, AV59
Infecto 30 Apr 2017
I love this meme! Much better than le trolli face! 10/10
MKIII & AV59 30 Apr 2017
thank you XDD
Anonymous 29 Apr 2017
I don't know about this. You can see every line of the 2D perspective.
MKIII & AV59 29 Apr 2017
I had to forget to erase certain line, but it was made for the pencil fast made, otherwise, thank you for comment ^^
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