More artworks made by captainlupin


Pretty Little Blue Dress

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-04-18


Not the best, but not the worst. I think perhaps I'll work on a few more designs for Charlotte, clothing wise. Charlotte DeVry, looking fairly snazzy in a very private get together where she can let her tail swing free. She has quite a number of clothes tailored to allow such freedom, and has another number of clothes that can easily conceal her long additional appendage. It’s become a survival instinct over the decades to learn how to hide in plain sight. However, the company she works for, Chimera Dynamics has developed cloaking tech that can essentially “hide” features that are less-than-human by superimposing a holographic projection over the user. It’s interface is customizable, so anyone else who uses the tech can alter their appearance completely—but it doesn’t physically alter the body. Examples being, it can’t physically change a person’s height or weight, as it’s only a high-tech illusion. It can’t take away weight or tails or what-have-you and if someone were determined enough, they could find these physical features by groping about. (For Charlotte, she can wear her tail out, and not have to worry about hiding it, but if it were to brush against someone, they would be able to feel it.) “Facer Tech” is what it’s unofficially been dubbed, but it’s extremely restricted, as the company doesn’t want the wrong types of people to get their hands on it.


  • Anonymous 18 Apr 2017


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