
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


Croquis Test : BadAss

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-04-08


Jump my coconuts, and today I sends heavy with this sketch of the character test, and I think I improved as the shadows and lights are coming back little by little, and as paints models, all for poile needs of the ladies and gentlemen cast, nah seriously, As for non-perverse reason, I think that my character will end up naked for the bestial side and also to better improve the content, because as I told thee the hour is need for continuous casting to sketches, and given the size of the man, I think the clothes that size in real life, it takes a big customized, Anyway, Opinion and advice are welcome .... Long live bin nudity XD


  • Anonymous 8 Apr 2017

    Wild man of art

    MKIII & AV59 8 Apr 2017

    thank you ^^

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