More artworks made by Armorwing

Baby Gri'zier Sketches
Part 2 of my baby dragonette sketches! Featuring: Gri'zier. Mountain Colossus dragon eggs are of a sandy gold color with raised bands around the shell. This species lives in rocky desert areas, so they protect their eggs by wedging them between rock formations. Out of the sun, the eggs appear to be just another part of the stone. Once hatched, these dragons are some of the largest dragonettes of any species, weighing in at about 20 lbs. The hatchlings usually stay with their mother for about 6 months, learning how to hunt, burrow and fight. Male Mountain Colossi are very aggressive, so females try to keep their young at the heart of their territory until they're large enough to defend themselves. At around the end of the 6 months, mothers take their young to the nearest canyon formation for their final test: gliding from one end to the other. Most dragonettes can achieve this rather quickly, but mothers have been know to wait around for a few hours before their young made a successful leap. Though they rarely have the ability to glide as adults, experts believe this test is more of a test of determination and ferocity than actual flight ability. If the young doesn't give up, then they'll make a formidable adult. The easiest way to sex this dragon is to look at their facial markings. Males have orange faces while females have light brown to match the rest of their body. The scales along the back and tail appear as a medium brown color at first, but slowly darken to almost black as the dragon matures. While they're still young and small, young Mountain Colossi are excellent at camouflage. They'll often curl around rocks and sand and dull their colors to mimic the surrounding area. Though they never lose this ability, most adults are more prepared to fight (and most prefer it).
Anonymous 8 Apr 2017
Very cool desing! Are those for some rpg?
Armorwing 8 Apr 2017
Thanks! No, these are just some of my characters that I felt like drawing as juveniles.
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