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On ira tous au paradis
Well, usually, I made not reference in France, if it is not to be pessimistic and fume a blow on my country, but to look like an idiot, I am going to speak about a French song, and no, I mess around not, I have to listen to a music of Michel Polnareff, that of One will go all to the Paradise, to be right(to tell the truth), I really look stupid to speak about a French music, because usually, when it is a French music, it is just bottom bottom the bonbon, counter any time(weather long) of love with the clichés(pictures) who can stick for life of the singer in question, And when a French music sometimes want to be Vulgar, electric and to swim in anything, we ask ourselves more the question, but well most of these people stay interest to listen to, even if most one badly to finish their life, staying with the clichés(pictures) who can stick for life of the singer in question, There, we make all the same an effort in mode(fashion) lennon John, except that seen that it is a French song, to please any world, We shall go all to the paradise, it is as the song "imagines", but in version Christian, but at the same time when we say " All the Whores ", that pleases to hear(understand) a swearword, not of god, That the sexist air says like that, but when it is the song which to speak of going all to the paradise, with a singer who knows put naked bottom in these posters, it is positive all the same nevertheless (finally I think), in spite of the side bottom bottom and the message just taken from a church, there has a side is positive(insists on the positive aspects), even if we remain in the "Classic" side, with violins, brass instruments that go with it, Too bad, it is the Variety from our home that we still have this kind(genre) of clichés(pictures), anyway, Opinion(Notice) and Council(Advise) are welcome, in spite of the misunderstandings, Long live ...... """ " France " """, with many quotation marks and point ^^ "