
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59


The Last E-Mail : Dr Fijoto

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-03-31


Hello, today I will try a new format to better explain the drawings with an e-mail received on the research of Dr. Fijoto of Tokyo, or a strange phenomenon happens with several high school students who will have undergone the same neurological disorder, A patient named Tamara, will have behavior of the most "bizarre" for a teen of his age, here is a translation, of which a word I have not sure translated, --------------------- Dr. Fijoto's report on the patient: kijodo tamara Topic: 読 症 I feel that if the patient is in a strong emotion, take control, feelings of Tarama, I had an MRI test, the patient does not seem to have anything to MRI, with The help of our psychiatrist Dehiyo Seyhake, seemed stressed and pressed to do these tests, during my research, 読 症 症 can take control of the patient to make it a kind of "host", no one knows how there exists, Most patients who have this disorder, seem to me to behave normally as Tarama? I am at the beginning of my research of this neurological disorder, several before me had to study this disorder without having correct result and the origin of this disorder which now affects between 3 and 10% of Japanese population, I will still consult On this neurological disorder and see if it's not related to any serious disorder like Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, but it would surprise me that it would not be that severe, I give you news of my research if possible, - Dr. Fijito - Neurological Sector -------------------- Received on 25/06/2020, from Jikei University Hospital, Tokyo


  • Anonymous 31 Mar 2017

    Story-oriented cuteness lol

    MKIII & AV59 31 Mar 2017

    Thank you ^^

  • Anonymous 31 Mar 2017


    MKIII & AV59 31 Mar 2017

    Thank you ^^

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