
More artworks made by MKIII & AV59



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-03-12


To better explain, I get more to do comics as before, I have more original story, because the latter are too complicated to illustrate them, because I have no experience needed to do the work and patience of sick , Because it takes a lot of work and is crazy is that there are people who do it with ease, I do not have this facility anymore, Because I think making a simple drawing is quick and easy still today to do a comic, as it takes a lot of work and time to do it, and I have already tried to do a comic is this Took me 5 years to make history and the prologue of the beginning, and still there are so many stuff to tell about all this brothel. So, advice, advice, even seeing that you wanted as long as you talk to me, because it is the annoying total ....


  • Anonymous 12 Mar 2017


    MKIII & AV59 12 Mar 2017

    yeh, it's sure ^^"

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