More artworks made by MKIII & AV59

Punk Rock Girl
For music, I really like Punk Rock Girl of The Dead Milkmen, no cover, imagine for myself that the music summarizes by a simple drawing like this one, Afterwards as you have noticed, my character has red skin, ben finished the red lines that traces their whole body, now, to have more ease, I put to them light red, that one would think that they caught a blow Of sun, but good, For Gonk the pet, I do my best to draw the latter, because I am not a habit of drawing animals, I train every drawing to publish, because I can not yet find a style to This good big Dragon of Komodo, Otherwise, Avis & Conseil will be welcome, Vive Le Punk ^^
Anonymous 7 Mar 2017
Sort of a call back from an earlier age...
MKIII & AV59 7 Mar 2017
thank you ^^
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