More artworks made by didier1961


pharrell williams

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2017-03-07




  • BlueSpiritWolf6 17 Jun 2017

    Nice :)

    didier1961 18 Jun 2017


  • pencil recreations 8 Mar 2017

    hi Didier again I marvel how you achieve these portraits so well ...( hey I accidently deleted your comment on best bonded today after I added a comment in the right place thank you for the comment you gave and could you resubmit it so I can give you back the plus 10 points ...Sorry no problem if you don't ..It's what happens when you reach 70 ..Lol )

    didier1961 11 Mar 2017

    thank you ............. :---)

  • Khobe 10 Mar 2017

    + qu'un rapper! Une caricature qui rend bien ta vision de l'artiste.

    didier1961 10 Mar 2017

    merci beaucoup Khobe......... :---)

  • Anonymous 7 Mar 2017


    didier1961 7 Mar 2017

    thank's.............. :::----)))

  • No comments.

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