More artworks made by Armorwing

A Warrior of Fire and Ice (Anthro Version)
So one of my friends is not really into art, but he loves swords. And since I'm moving away in a few months, I offered to draw a picture that featured his two sword designs. They're very broad and medieval in design, so I based the wielder on Viking barbarian attire. Some of you may have noticed that this piece has two versions: a human wielder and an anthro. I made the anthro version as a joke. You see, my friend is not a furry. But one day while we were hanging out, we decided to play some fun animal personality quizzes. One of those was "Which Dog Are You?" My friend was a keeshond dog. So I made the joke that I'd make him an anthro keeshond in a picture. He thought it was funny at first, but I think he thought I was really gonna do it and asked me not to. ...I wasn't planing on it, but now you put that thought in my head! So in addition to the real image, the anthro part is a little joke in between us. Human Version: Speedpaint:
LadyFuzztail 15 Mar 2017
This is pretty metal looking, but the lightning effect really could stand to be improved upon.
Armorwing 27 Mar 2017
Thanks for the advice!
Anonymous 24 Feb 2017
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