
More artworks made by The Merchant


Ziggy Reference

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2017-02-23


My cat, Ziggy recently died, and what I did when my rabbit Midnight died was turn him into one of my OC's so he could be immortalized through my art. Anyway, here is more details about Ziggy, all of these are real, his likes, his dislikes, everything. Name: Ziggy Age: Unknown (around 10 or 12, I can't remember when we got him because I was really young) Breed: Uncommon House Cat Personality: Ziggy is very loving, he loves to cheer up everyone around him and will go out of the way to make them happy, he is very carefree and laidback, he acts dumb, but can be intelligent at times (this is how he got his alter ego 'The Professor'), Ziggy is very clumsy Likes: Starburst (apart from the green ones, he hated those), Walkers crisps (apart from the salt and vinegar), quavers, peas, cheese, frozen chips, most meats, making friends, baking and FISHY! (That is an orange fish on a stick and string, his favorite toy, he would hold it in his mouth and walk around with it, dragging the stick behind him. The fishy on his shirt has no fins because he tore them both off so only the tail is left) Dislikes: Green starburst, salt and vinegar crisps, being ignored, being picked up, seeing people sad Alias': Zig, The Professor, Piggy, Firework Sister: Hoshi (Deceased) Brother: Jasper (Alive) Interesting fact: Ziggy once got into a fight with his brother Jasper, during the fight, Ziggy managed to get his tail in between a door and the doorframe, then Jasper ran into the door slicing off half of Ziggy's tail, he got the nickname 'Firework' because his bone was showing and the vets bandaged it up and his tail looked like a firework. That is also why he is clumsy. Ziggy was one of my best friends, I was the one who chose him, he was always my little kitty, he followed me everywhere, if I was going upstairs, he would go up and wait half way. I loved him and it really hurts now that he's gone.


  • Anonymous 23 Feb 2017

    fancy cat man, dude.

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