More artworks made by Neptune S. Nova

Glitched Pack
These are the "bad guys" for a comic I'm making called "Apex - 001 Morgan" there a group of Roamers that were made to wipe out all life on earth. Long story short, the Roamers (like Morgan) are man-made war machines that were made to fight in wars so less human lives would be lost. However, because of some glitches, the Roamers were deemed "Too dangerous" and the idea was scrapped. Any Roamers that were already made beforehand were shut down and put into a highly guarded storage building. Despite best efforts, a group of wanted criminals broke in with easy and stole one of the previously made Roamers. Using the same model and code, the group made their own Roamers, which they named "The Glitched". From left to right the names are Swift, Alpha, Viper.
Anonymous 20 Feb 2017
I like their eyes. The one on the right looks like he's more dangerous. He has what look like weapons on his back. Keep it up !
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