
More artworks made by Crystal Jones

Challenge: Crystal Jones VS Jacqui51


  • Pandora555 11 Feb 2017

    have you a fetish on cats? are you alone? have you not a boyfriend? ist miserable!

    Crystal Jones 12 Feb 2017

    You were wanting in wickedness ? This is the kind of reflection that clearly demonstrates who you are. And it does not give envy !!! I'm very happy not to know you! But otherwise, I have a friend, I have cats, I have chickens, I have a house and a large garden. I love nature. I do not spend the day looking at the navel. Me ! Va chiquita ! And take courses of good conduct.

  • Anonymous 7 Feb 2017

    You can see the beautiful markings in this photo ! I like the right leg that is so different from the other three. It's cool that the back and tail just disappear into the background. Cute cute cute Kitty !

    Crystal Jones 7 Feb 2017

    Thanks so much for your comment ! =^-^=

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