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That's my second message, and I'm not the only one with this problem, Because as the drawing clearly explains, being dyslexic in my opinion is really being like someone had a stuttering, but for writing, and sometimes it's really hell, I know what I'm talking about, because everything My life, I have this problem that can sometimes turn to disability, Speaking is not a problem, but writing is sometimes not possible, sometimes I forget some word of spelling, or the reverse Several letters, or even I invent a new word that really does not make sense, and even forget sometimes to put words in a phase, and again that was before, Because I learned how to write at school (in Belgium), I learned (despite everything) to make me understand by writing it, but what really scares me is that people see me as An idiot or idler who does not know how to correct his spelling mistakes and to reread his fault before publishing a trick, but precisely, I stop not to reread, to self-correct, to simplify the words because at times Or I write this message to you, I really had trouble finding the words "lazy" & "simplified", to tell you, and I even reread several times if it was "okay", but good But, if I make this message, it is because in France, we have "marginalized" this trouble of writing, they realized too late of this problem, problem that many people had, and that I'm not the only guy in the world to have a dyslexia, I do not know the "encrypted" exact, I know the latest statistics, but I'm sure it many and I say "Nan, you're not the Only to have that ", Thank you for your understanding, I hope you have now understood, and then, I love you all, having you, your friend and crazy, AlexVic59.