More artworks made by CassandraLee2591
M.Monroe Progress over the years.
Drawing to the far left I did in 10th or 11th grade. Then I didn't do art for like 2 years, so the middle one was during my time period when I was getting back into art. Finally the right one is the drawing I just got done with recently. I use the grid method for all my work now. :)
pencil recreations 2 Feb 2017
Great to see how you are progressing ...I like the way you have drawn these different portraits and you are showing your skills so young certainly more detail in the third and yet more highlighting and shading in the first would put it on par....I actually like the first for the pose and the last for the detail...keep it up you are going places.....
CassandraLee2591 3 Feb 2017
Aww thank you so much. This means a lot to me. Thank you!
pencil recreations 9 Feb 2017
No problem Cass ..I have just tried my first m Monroe after seeing yours and will post it shortly ....anyways catch up to you again soon Nev
Anonymous 1 Feb 2017
Good! I would shade a little more on the faces though
Anonymous 1 Feb 2017
nice job
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