
More artworks made by Quasar


Black labrador retriever

By Quasar
Type: drawing Uploaded: 2017-01-30


Graphite 19,5 x 20 cm


  • Hill's Beverly Creative 2 Feb 2017

    This is an hallucinogenic type piece, in that it is self illuminating. The white on dark is it's own light source. Like a vision appearing out of the darkness. The dog's expression and the texture of the fur is well handled ! I like it !

    Quasar 2 Feb 2017

    thank you!! this drawing was a gift for my sister and her boyfriend, they love labrador retrievers:)

  • Rodaina 1 Feb 2017

    nice work

    Quasar 1 Feb 2017

    thank you rodania!

  • Jeanpooh 4 Feb 2017

    Excellent art

    Quasar 4 Feb 2017

    thank you so much!

  • RedSoulWolf13 30 Jan 2017

    very beautiful

    Quasar 30 Jan 2017

    thank you!

  • pencil recreations 11 Feb 2017

    You continue to impress with your art Excellent!!!!!!!

    Quasar 19 Feb 2017

    thank you very much :)

  • Anonymous 17 Mar 2017

    rly outstanding!! I mean I really luv it.! (:

    Quasar 19 Mar 2017

    thanks !!

  • WoodyWelch 6 Mar 2017

    Love the lighter detail on the fur, pulling the portrait of the doggie out of the darkness. Very Nice, indeed !

    Quasar 12 Mar 2017

    thank you so much!

  • Merlina 11 Feb 2017

    5 ++++++ :D

    Quasar 19 Feb 2017

    lol thanks Merlina :)

  • Anonymous 30 Jan 2017

    Very beautiful!

    Quasar 30 Jan 2017

    thank you!

  • Anonymous 30 Jan 2017

    Very good!

    Quasar 30 Jan 2017


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