Jimmy the Sorry Sailor
Oh lighten up lil' Jimmy. You're not alone on this journey. Look at all these... friends.. you made. The pretty beaches you've accidentally stranded on littered with these magical-ish shells? You're not lost for no reason I mean your clothes are still looking fine and you found some booty you can't really spend because you're lost but I mean it's still shiny and gold and such. There's absolutely no reason to be upset.. so what if you can't find your boat back and you're tired of eating mangos? You're on a beach people would pay thousands for to lie on!
shirofluff 18 Feb 2017
i love this. it's very colorful and creative
Anonymous 26 Jan 2017
Poor Jimmy ! The shark with the menacing orange eye really just wants you to be his . . . lunch ? I like the orange eye. This could be the label of a craft beer maybe. I like like !
Anonymous 26 Jan 2017
I don't know what to say because it looks amazing but I could say something more detailed like what is the best part of it for me but I can't, the cartoon-ish art style, the colouring, if it was a comic I would read it all in one night
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