
More artworks made by trevorp



By trevorp
Type: photo Uploaded: 2017-01-16


Photograph of Molly my pet kitten recently taken during the Christmas break.


  • Mythology1 18 Jan 2017

    You have the cutest little baby.

    trevorp 19 Jan 2017

    Thanks so much - glad that you think so. Cheers from Trevor :-)

  • Neptune S. Nova 16 Jan 2017

    My cousin just got a cute little kitty to~ I'm a dog person myself but I'll admit some kitties are just TOO CUTE!

    trevorp 16 Jan 2017

    Guess that it is hard being a dog person or cat person - I must say that I like both. Kittens are certainly very cute critters :-) Cheers from Trevor

  • Anonymous 16 Jan 2017

    That's one cute fuggin cat!

    trevorp 16 Jan 2017

    Yeah - it's certainly cute - but also a bit mischievous too. Broke one of our lamps yesterday - still love her though:-)

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