
More artworks made by The Answer


Mind Body & Soul

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2017-01-10




  • Hill's Beverly Creative 12 Jan 2017

    I kind of like this one without the dripping blood ! Voluptuous female form. I like like ! Shen you do digital do you save one master and then revise and draw-over and save the changes ?

    The Answer 13 Jan 2017

    Nah man I don't usually save the master and re do it, the dripping blood one was just me being bored, and it came out looking freaky af so I decided to post it, but yeah dude I have everything saved so I could re do all of these if I wanted, to be honest with you the way I do these digital art with the women in them, I get a real picture from google of a woman paint over it so I can get a good reference for body shape and particularly the nose, it comes out looking 99 percent different to the real image so I don't think you could classify it as cheating

  • Anonymous 10 Jan 2017

    great concept :)

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