More artworks made by Neptune S. Nova

Neptune MLP
Got bored so I made my OC Neptune into a pony... Now let it be know I'm not a huge fan of MLP but that's just cause I've never really watched it for that long. I don't HATE MLP just not to INTO it. Like MLP fanart doe... That's cute~
pencil recreations 19 Jan 2020
Hi Neptune S, great to catch up ...really good gallery Like this the way it is done and love your gallery ..Admire digital people as I am not real versed in the computer type art ...I just stick to pencil...Will watch for more of your art...Nev
Neptune S. Nova 22 Jan 2020
Thanks for sticking around~ It's been a while and I felt like I might as well keep posting. Thank you for your support!
Fran Lafferty 8 Dec 2016
Definitely cute! Nice gradient, especially against the black background. :O>
Neptune S. Nova 9 Dec 2016
:D I'm glad you think so! Not everyone is as friendly as you... ty~
Anonymous 5 Dec 2016
I love how hair are made.
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