
More artworks made by rramsden


Girl and puppy

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-10-01


A friends daughter and the new puppy


  • Athena Darkblood 31 Aug 2015

    This is amazing! Nice work.

  • Meriadok 2 Oct 2014

    Awesome :)

  • marmicminipark 2 Oct 2014

    Very nice work !! Nice detail.

  • marmicminipark 2 Oct 2014

    Very nice work !! Nice detail.

  • GygyInk 1 Oct 2014


  • thiagomira 1 Oct 2014


  • Schlosser 1 Oct 2014

    Very nice use of shading the face is delicate enough to keep the features soft and the dog looks like he has fur. Beautifully done.

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