More artworks made by Nicolas Sepulveda
Historical Collections of the Great War - Page 10
My website: Page 10 of my handmade book, Historical Collections of the Great War. This book is divided into three categories: artillery, weaponry and uniform. This was for a Final Major Project near the end of my second year at college studying Level 3 BTEC Art & Design Extended Diploma. For some of the images, which I have photographed from the Imperial War Museum, is either painted with watercolour or drawn with fineliner pen with the cross-hatching technique. The historically accurate information is also collected from the Museum. This was mostly done on PhotoShop.
Drachul 2 Dec 2016
I love the way you have designed the book, great work really. Since it's an art project I suppose historical accuracy isn't as important but I still feel like I should point out that the text is written like a British propaganda piece of 1914. :P
Nicolas Sepulveda 2 Dec 2016
I appreciate your comment! It does quite feel like a British propaganda piece, since I went to the Imperial War Museum in London, was fun researching The Great War. Then again, thanks!
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