More artworks made by Neptune S. Nova

Prince and Edgy
Did some art for a short story I wrote like nine months ago... working on a chapter two now doe cause my readers are sadists and wanted more... *cough*
romanzottilucas3606 25 Nov 2016
yes, now eat it... or at least chew it!
Neptune S. Nova 26 Nov 2016
Omg XD thank you this comment brought me joy.
Anonymous 23 Nov 2016
Anonymous 23 Nov 2016
and what abully and can I hear "nice doggy ,I will take you for a walk so stop clowning around" ..can only say that edgy must be feeling that way right now...cause you have to call a dog Prince ...nicely illustratedclean and clear and chapter 2 will probably be short one of the characters in your art work...
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