More artworks made by Justinnator4

Sarah Fox's Kinotchi Frame (fur coat)
There will be 3 versions in total. A fur coated version, a bikini wearing version, and a version without any form of coverage. Ref sheet; Owner; iconLionclaw on This version was drawn clothed in fur the way cartoon animal people sometimes are. When the butt cheeks are visible from the front that is called a notch sometimes. To clarify those are the underside cheeks and not genitals. This was a recent request based off of my previous art of scifi armor with no torso coverage. The pistols were given knuckle guards mostly because that meant I wouldn’t have to draw the underside of the hand. The hip tilt to her left was based off of a pose I saw. The hip plates were given thrusters since if you’re not wearing much ballistic protection besides force fields then you’d at least want rocket powered movement.
Challenge: Justinnator4 VS Pandora555
Anonymous 14 Nov 2016
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