More artworks made by surealworld

Idolized Mask
Well friends, I went to Chads Ford to stand my my pumpkin at The Great Pumpkin Carve,put on by The Chads Ford Historical society. I brought with me a light to shine on my creation. I stood by my pumpkin greeted onlooker and answer questions. I was so surprised how many people really like my pumpkin. God had work a miracle, because the carve for me was a night mare. It started with me sweating like some one was pouring a bucked of water over my head. I have been having trouble with bronchus , maybe that was part of the problem. I was sweating so bad It kept running into my glasses. Second challenge ,the pumpkin was dry and very tough, i literately broke have my sculpting tools before I was even half way done. Then after two hour ,the sun went down. Even with wear a light on my head I could hardly see my photo that was using as a reference . Then I look up and who do I see but Jeff Wyeth and His wife standing in front of me. This was go timing for our brief visit,be cause I needed to step back and regroup,because i was about to through my hand up in the air and say I can't finish this. Which I have always battle my way through every challenge I face in creating my works of art.. This carve took me about 5 1/2 hour to create. Remember friend this is a live carve. Now you probably in suspense, to find out what design I try to execute, that almost had me check into Norris town State Hospital? Drum roll would you please? The melted by fire Darth Vader mask,from the move Star Wars The Force Awakens.
Anonymous 16 Mar 2017
[= rly good!!. q:
Anonymous 7 Nov 2016
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