More artworks made by Origa


  • Jan Spicka 6 Nov 2016

    this is amazing, love the sybolism

    Origa 6 Nov 2016

    Me too, thanks!

  • hubert perron 7 Nov 2016

    splendid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Origa 7 Nov 2016

    Thank you!

  • CassandraLee2591 6 Nov 2016

    Okay, so I don't know if you really meant for this to be interppeted this way ( but that's the great thing about art - a million people could like at the same piece and for each person they way they view it is gonna be different) but this for me anyways really captured a lot of the "Pagan" symbolism. Which I adore. Great work and keep it up! :)

    Origa 6 Nov 2016

    wow! Thank you so much! Your opinion means much to me!

  • ThaIssing 6 Nov 2016

    this looks so awesome and so many great details!

    Origa 6 Nov 2016

    thank you

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