More artworks made by Bountybreeder

Ugghhhh! Fuurrrrr! The fur is horrible and this took me waaayyyy too long. I had to keep on colour picking from the ref and stuff. Anyway, this is my cat and you can find my other drawings (That aren't very good, I'm just proudest of this one and a few others) on my Da.
didier1961 11 Jun 2018
well done.............. :---)
Mutantenfisch 6 Nov 2016
I can only agree with the other commenters - this looks amazing! I really like the realism you've achieved with this painting. And your cat is lovely.
Bountybreeder 8 Nov 2016
Why thank you so much! i appreciate it! You're all so nice! :3
Dovile'sArt 5 Nov 2016
Stunning work! It looks really realistic especially the eyes! I also really like the choice of green background (idk why actually) Keep up your amazing work!
Bountybreeder 5 Nov 2016
Thank you so much! The eyes took most of the time tbh haha. I just chose the background because green is my favourite colour, nature...And uhh... contrast... Because I was being really artistic at that point haha totally......
Anonymous 5 Nov 2016
This drawing is very near looking like a photo! :0 You did a very good job on this!
Bountybreeder 5 Nov 2016
Thank you so much! I had to heavily rely on a ref of my cat. :3
Anonymous 5 Nov 2016
I must correct you, the fur looks great. It dons't look like any other animal drawings, an this is a plus. Use your "defects" to make your own style. Also, your cat is lovely. :3
Bountybreeder 5 Nov 2016
Thank you! I plan on drawing more like this!
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