More artworks made by Stevie The Fixer

Mouse and candle hand Drier (cutaway side view)
We all know the experience of using a washroom hand drier that gives only a waft of slightly warm air. This cutaway side view shows what I think is inside. When the button A is pressed, a linkage B engages the "Cheese-based-incentive-system" D. The mouse runs on the wheel, a belt drive makes the fan go round and the warm? air from the small candle is ducted onto the hands.
Fran Lafferty 17 Dec 2016
This is just plain FUN to look at! :O>
Stevie The Fixer 18 Dec 2016
Thank you - that is what I hoped for. I like to amuse or bemuse.
Anonymous 10 Oct 2016
that's creative.
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