More artworks made by didier1961


pinup 1

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2016-10-09




  • Anonymous 10 Jun 2017

    like it!

    didier1961 10 Jun 2017


  • pencil recreations 13 Oct 2016

    nice little pin up Didier she could fill my tank up anytime ( yeah pump attendance went out years ago and she wouldn't be dressed like that anyway)...takes me back to the days of seeing pictures like this in magazines that my Dad read and left laying about to be found under the seat of the car...Lol!!!!!

    didier1961 13 Oct 2016

    happy to see that it remind you good memories.....:-)

  • Anonymous 9 Oct 2016

    sexy in a blurry kind of creepy way.

    didier1961 10 Oct 2016

    thank you.......... :-)

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