More artworks made by captainlupin

[Bookmark] Bones and Clovers
Bookmark for a multiverse story I'm working on. Long story short, Lupin ends up on an island, isolated for years, and eventually strikes up a relationship with various dinosaur predators living on the island, including a pack of Dakotaraptors. One of them, she names Clover. Symbolism, hooray! The tooth around her neck belongs to a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the coin is a golden drachma, which has some minor significance in the story, particularly with who gave it to her.
Anonymous 10 Sep 2016
I love the glimpse on the background story you gave witht the description. Art-wise I really like your line-work and the colouring. It's lively yet not too much and you've done an awesome job on the shading and the details in her accessoires.
captainlupin 10 Sep 2016
Thank you so much, Nonnie! I'm so glad that you enjoy this piece! I definitely tried to aim for details, but not overdo it too much.
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