More artworks made by DasCheesenBorgir
Lost in the Woods
Forgot I still had this account lol this one's from a little while ago now, was my first time trying to make a full piece with a tablet and just kinda went nuts on it- probably pretty obvious that the background wasn't exactly planned out, I drew the foreground first and *then* decided to screw around with just kind of tacking in blobs of dark colors before they just sorta formed into what were supposed to be trees and ofc the face is totally out of color with everything else, but given the context I thought it was somewhat fitting
Anonymous 6 Aug 2016
The background is lovely and the grey scale shading is great. However I would have stuck with the theme rather than putting in a colored face. Otherwise, great job! I love the red of the robots eyes in it. If the girl was not there that would be a great center of focus.
Anonymous 6 Aug 2016
You've got decent form and a good grasp of lighting. The atmosphere is also nicely ominous. However, I'm afraid the face in the corner is a little too bright and doesn't fit the scene.
DasCheesenBorgir 7 Aug 2016
Yeah I guess it was a little bit of a 'painting legs onto the snake' moment , was really kind of insistent on leaving it in there at the time. I like to imagine I might still have been able to pull it off if I'd shrouded it into the background some more, but thematically putting her in there I was thinking along the lines that it really should look like they don't 'belong' there at all, visually even. idk, guess sometimes campy stuff like that just doesn't work out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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