Anonymous 19 Jul 2016
Don't focus on details. poses are extremly stiff and composition is weak. I see some story in this but it's weak. Details are last thing you should do when you're making artwork. Composition and story are most important, then you should make sure everything looks like it make sense (anatomy etc. if stuff look like it have sense mistakes in shading are not so visible. then. at the end of everything else you go into details with one MOST important rule when you're detailing. 30% of detail and 70% no detail. make focal point of your painting most detailed. I know you didn't asked for critique but if I have to comment on something I like to at last do it with meaning and sense. I just hope you're not upset, I didn't wanted to make you sad.
Fe. Cha 20 Jul 2016
no problem! critique helps to improve, thanks a lot for your words... but n
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