More artworks made by KhayalGhorban

I was drawing for a bit, now I did something else for a change ;) so I put together this steampunk-ish slash vintage little journal ;D I had a lot of fun while doing it ;> ___________________________ "A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind." E. Ionesco
TWINS2 9 Jul 2016
HEBBEN! (Dutch: for I want one!) *-*:))
KhayalGhorban 9 Jul 2016
I'm glad you like it :D And you can always make one yourself, there are lots of helpful tutorials on youtube :)))
Mutantenfisch 2 Jul 2016
This looks amazing. I love all these details you've put into this.
KhayalGhorban 2 Jul 2016
Thank you AlexGArt :)
Anonymous 2 Jul 2016
Very cool!
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