More artworks made by Justinnator4

Nika's Kinotchi Frame bikini
Owner and inspiring pic; Nika the shark is owned by NikaSharkeh on I use the term Kinotchi frame to describe a minimal frame like armor that mainly has shielding and limb strength augmenting. This will be the 3rd one I've drawn/started. It uses the Kinotchi art of distraction. The armor is mainly for minimal weigh, distracting presentation, and gadgets like force fields and augmented strength and mobility.
Anonymous 28 Jun 2016
It's not a bad piece of work, but I think of this character as a shark hybrid since the fins on her head look more like horns to me. The armor looks great though and so does the tail.
Justinnator4 28 Jun 2016
Thanks. I had drawn her based off of the artwork of one of the greatest anthro furry artists, McTrancefox. It's possible she's a hybrid or that she was drawn with her ears pointing backward and drooping. I'm not sure. Also there's a version of this where the tie-on bikin fell off in case you haven't seen it.
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