
More artworks made by dbxgokai


The Intelligent, Evil Mad Scientist, Dr. Ceteraaa!

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2016-06-28


“NHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! YES! I, THE MOST EVIL OF MAD SCIENTISTS HAVE COME TO REIGN TERROR UPON EVERY LIVING CREATURE PLACED ON THIS EARTH!!! STARTING WITH EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING IN EXISTENC-….wait, that would be nearly impossible unless I traveled back in time and destroyed Earth in the very beginning of its own creation….hmmm, I gotta make blueprints for a time machine right away….AS I WAS SAYING, ALL BEINGS SHALL EITHER BOW DOWN TO ME AND MY GLORIOUS INTELLECT OR PERISH!!!!….technically though, if I were to travel back in time and destroy Earth from the beginning, all living creatures, myself included, would die…..hmmm, maybe I should re-evaluate my processes on human eradication….YOU LIVE ANOTHER DAY BEINGS!! ANOTHER DAY! BUT SOON!! YOU WILL BOW TO ME!! YOUR FUTURE EVIL RULER, THE INTELLIGENT, THE GORGEOUS, THE DIABOLICAL, DOCTOR CETERAAAA!!!!” (Made by me [lol]) P.S. Yes, she is a walrus, but also a beaver……yeah….


  • trevorp 10 Nov 2016

    Interesting design and concept

    dbxgokai 13 Nov 2016

    Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.

  • Anonymous 28 Jun 2016

    Love the purple and green contrast

    dbxgokai 5 Jul 2016

    Thank you! I appreciate it!

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