More artworks made by L0n3Gr3yW0lf

This is the last commission I will ever do. People are not trustworthy and respectful if not of the art at least for the work that is going into it.
Manakeksi 17 Jun 2016
Hm, sure a pity, if you're done with commisions, because this looks really cool. Especially the details and the perspective looking awesome! This ist drawn with a pencil, right? Amazing!
L0n3Gr3yW0lf 18 Jun 2016
Yes it is done with pencil, It took about 12 hours for each element to do. The client feels that the quality is not worth the asking money and wanted to pay a third of its price.
Anonymous 16 Jun 2016
i like the Work on the tanks...nie work
L0n3Gr3yW0lf 18 Jun 2016
Thank you, I like WoT too.
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