More artworks made by Oscarlira

Ecstacy of gold
Drawing made with pens, bases on last duel scene from the movie "the good, the bad and the ugly"
Khobe 30 May 2016
The eyes are the windows to the soul they say and express very subtly emotional states, but most people only look at them very superficially. Irises demand years of study to understand how deep your whole being is dynamically written in them. Eyes are an amazing study also how to draw them, to feel the powerful presence of an individual soul. I'm always blown away by the limpid depth found in the eyes of a baby or a child. You are on a good path.
Rodaina 8 Jun 2016
nice work and amazing expressions with eyes
Henry Lin 25 Aug 2016
This is May and the Invitation you to join our Mobile-store : "FORUDesigns" 3D design site + your amazing pics = the wonderful fashions! That is great for Create-Sell-Store and help you to make money at home. Please register and get free products if you are interesting.
W-H-E-A-T 28 Jun 2016
Beautiful changes, especially in the wrinkles!
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