
More artworks made by Jahc Hecoviz


Bitter Precipice Lineart

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2016-05-27


Skol Vs Hosten - Bitter Precipice Lineart


  • FaerieWarrior 22 Mar 2019

    I love how you did the perspective :D

  • dbxgokai 29 May 2016

    Trippy! Nice work.

    Jahc Hecoviz 29 May 2016

    Thank you :)!!!!

  • Anonymous 27 May 2016


    Jahc Hecoviz 28 May 2016

    Thank you!

  • Anonymous 27 May 2016

    Perspective is a very tricky thing to draw. But this looks absolutely amazing!

    Jahc Hecoviz 28 May 2016

    Thank you very much :)!!!!

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